Monday, July 5, 2010

You Need A Budget

If you are like me, you have copies of Quicken and Money on your shelf, plus hours invested in trying to make them work for you all ending in frustration because you didn't have a working budget...the money still disappeared the same way. Like me you may have taken Excel and spent hours developing a custom model. And that sort of worked but took tinkering all the time, but you had given up hope of ever finding anything that worked like you need it to work. That was me and then one day google magic struck and YNAB came to the top of the list, I don't know what search terms I used, why I hadn't used them before, but I found a program that sounded simple and just like what I had been trying to create. The 4 rules had sounded like the discipline from one of my professors in school. The fact that it was an application assured me that the tinkering had been done by someone else, and so after searching the forumns and seeing that the owners where even participating; I bought the program. 

Well, I have never looked back. This program does everything you need it to do, It allows you to track through the months for those major expenses like tuition, property taxes, and insurance, while tracking the small stuff too. The object is gradually build up a buffer so that you are constantly living on last month's income, which is what other financial gurus would have you do, they just call it different things. The budget, once setup is very easy to use...Setting it up only requires picking a starting place, naming your budgeting accounts,getting your bank balances entered, and oh yeah, i would recommend reading the quick setup guide at least. Once there you can enter transactions manually or download from your bank accounts or credit cards. Enter paychecks in as much detail as you like or just enter your net, it is not nearly as complicated as other programs I have dealt with in the past. 

The best part about this software is that new features are constantly being added. There is a new Features forum on the bulletin board and believe me, the programmer and owner are taking notes. Even in my short time I have seen several things added to the program, with many more on the list to come soon. 

Find out more about You Need A Budget This software is worth every penny.

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